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The president mocks those who do not finish Far Cry 6

It is common for online games like league of legends or fortnite keep contact with your users via e-mail but one-player experiences doing this? Ubisoft dared with his most recent game: Far Cry 6. In a creative movement (for some annoying) marketing, the Ubisoft news account sends emails where the same Anton Castillo thank you for leaving the region of Yara at the entire disposition of him. It also contains a report of the statistics of each player, such as the hours played, the eliminations they carry out, special weapons found, among others. It seems that it is an effort on the part of the French company to maintain, as much as possible, to its users within the game. For this reason we could assume that you are sent to players subscribed to Ubisoft Connect that suspend your activity in Far Cry 6 for a while. However, many users who are actively active, and that they have even invested up to 33 hours within Yara, reported that they also received it. Would you arrive with you? If yo